What if a science-literate writer decided to tackle an extremely-sensitive subject, namely super-sex in comics?
(As if you never wondered about this particular matter!)
In the actual DC comics, Clark Kent/Superman and Lois Lane married numerous times...
...in "imaginary stories" where they had kids...but never explained how!
(Read this story HERE!
It's a hoot!)
The couple eventually married...twice!
The first time was in 1978...

...in DC's Action Comics #484 (1978) where it was revealed the original, Golden Age, 1940s Superman married Lois in the 1950s on Earth-Two aka Earth-2, where the Golden Age versions of the DC characters lived! (A loooong story we're not going to get into here.)
You can read that tale HERE, HERE, and HERE!
For the record, they didn't have any children.
Also for the record, both that story and this article were illustrated by long-time Superman artist Curt Swan!
The "present-day" Superman and Lois married in DC's Superman: the Wedding Album (1996).
You can read that tale HERE, HERE, and HERE!
For the record, they didn't have any children.
Also for the record, both that story and this article were illustrated by long-time Superman artist Curt Swan!
The "present-day" Superman and Lois married in DC's Superman: the Wedding Album (1996).
The couple consummated their marriage after the wedding in an apartment loaned to them by Bruce (Batman) Wayne.
There was no physical problem, since Clark/Superman had temporarily lost his powers due to recent events of "The Final Night".
He regained them a year later, after going through a couple of transformations.
Since then, the couple has used a red sun device or got a room in Kandor when they got frisky, resulting in children who appear in the current comics.
There was no physical problem, since Clark/Superman had temporarily lost his powers due to recent events of "The Final Night".
He regained them a year later, after going through a couple of transformations.
Since then, the couple has used a red sun device or got a room in Kandor when they got frisky, resulting in children who appear in the current comics.