Showing posts with label Golden Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golden Age. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2023

MARVEL MYSTERY COMICS "Jimmy Jupiter and His Halloween Adventure..."

If it wasn't for the unfortunate racial stereotypes common to the era on the first two pages...
...we could run this never-reprinted tale from Timely's Marvel Mystery Comics #37 (1947) in almost any of our other RetroBlogs!
(Well, maybe not Heroines!...)

Illustrated (and possibly written) by Eddie Robbins, this is actually a rather clever tale which won't be reprinted any time soon.
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Friday, June 5, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics IRON ACE "Leper"

You'd think if an aircraft pilot is called "Iron Ace", it would be meant metaphorically!
Not in this guy's case!
And the villain of this tale is called "The Leper"!
Guess why?
Illustrated by Bill Fraccio, this never-reprinted (and extremely-racist) tale from Hillman's Air Fighters Comics #12 (1943) features the only appearance of that publisher's "Leper" character.
Trivia: the CrimeBuster strip in Lev Gleason's Boy Comics had featured a different Axis character  (a German) the year before, also called "The Leper"!
However, he wasn't diseased and his name was merely symbolic.
Both were one-shot baddies.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics YARKO THE GREAT "Curse of Hegate"

An unusual tale combining mysticism and medicine...
...featuring one of the most obscure magic heroes of all!

Written and illustrated by the book's editor Joe Simon, this never-reprinted story from Fox's WonderWorld Comics #14 (1940) features the casual racism against blacks prevalent in America until the 1960s.
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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics DR NEMESIS "Blood-Bank Massacres!"

During World War II, superheroes entered the fray against biological warfare... shown in this story about a doctor turned costumed hero that, due to both graphic gruesomeness and extreme racism, almost redefines "Not Safe For Work"!
Written by longtime pulp (and later paperback) scribe Robert Turner and illustrated by Earl Da Voren, this never-reprinted tale from Ace's Super-Mystery Comics V1N01 (1944) displays the classic propaganda tropes that, unfortunately, endured in the impressionable minds of those who read them long after the war ended!
Trivia: This was Doctor Nemesis' final appearance.
Since the name's trademark had elapsed decades earlier and his original appearances had become Public Domain, Marvel Comics revived and revised the character in the early 1990s.
(Marvel has a tendency to take Golden Age names from defunct companies' characters and reuse them...including Captain Marvel, Daredevil, and Ghost Rider!)
Doctor Nemesis was one of the few superheroes named "Doctor" who was an actual practicing MD!
Others included Dr Mid-Nite (even though he was legally-blind) and Doc Savage!
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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL "Chapter XII: the Bombardment of Earth"

Buckle up, fans!
This one is spectacular!
The Captain Marvel Code-Finder was a mail-in premium that would enable you to understand the cryptic messages (like this one) in stories!

Without it, you'd be as helpless as an Axis spy to figure out what the message was!
Now that was an EPIC chapter, almost impossible for even the big-budget movies of the time to duplicate convincingly!
In terms of scale, the closest movie would've been Shape of Things to Come...

...but comics were considered lowbrow, so, it would've been treated more like Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers...

With Dr Smashi's demise, the use of offensive racial stereotypes in the serial comes to a temporary end, so...

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Monday, August 20, 2018

MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL "Chapter XI: the Firing of Great Big Bertha"

"I've got to stop that second one somehow!"
What about the first, Russia-bound, one?
You'll note Dr Smashi's teeth, which were originally fang-like are now the usual sterotypical "Japanese" buck teeth.
The Captain Marvel Code-Finder was a mail-in premium that would enable you to understand the cryptic messages (like this one) in stories!

Without it, you'd be as helpless as an Axis spy to figure out what the message was!

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