I admire and respect Rick Veitch as a creative talent...
...but I believe he's way off on what he presents in this one-shot about the fall of the Twin Towers!
The time traveller heads for her husband's office, where he disbelieves she is, in fact, his wife, because she looks older than the woman he left to go to the office this morning...

The tale then devolves to the time traveller detailing how the planes about to crash into the Twin Towers aren't the real reason they collapsed, that explosives were deliberately-planted throughout the buildings!
Ironically, her explanation causes her hubby to disbelieve her...
Published on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, Image's The Big Lie #1 (2011), generated controversy from the start.
USAToday did an interview with Rick that caused a chain-reaction!
HERE's another interview with Veitch right after the book was released in 2011!
Read a couple of reviews and comment threads on them HERE and HERE to see that, even a decade ago, before Don da Con messed the country up, there were still on-line loonies a-plenty!
You Can Order The Big Lie......from Amazon by clicking
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